I decided to complete a dairy for work life balance week, noting to what extent I was doing the 5 ways to well-being in addition to a few other other things which I know impact my well-being. For 7 days I tracked my behaviour and this is what I found.I had a good amount of social contact. I did 2 random acts of kindness, I helped a lady off the bus in London and donated to MacMillan. These acts of kindness felt good. I learned a lot, such as what extreme teaming means and how to tackle imposter experiences. I did take notice, my hydrangeas have turned an amazing deep red. My physical activity levels were quite low, a cycle and jog, at the height of summer I was getting in much more exercise. I know when I am busy I don’t prioritise my exercise . I drank about the equivalent to three diet cokes a day and not enough water. I did wake up in the night and did get back to sleep. I worked on average 12 hours a day with little down time through the week. Not sustainable me thinks, need to rebalance. I know my pattern. So here is my pledge to self…for work life balance week..I will drink two litres of water a day, go for a run twice and cycle once, I will work less than 12 hours a day.