"Claire and Su ran a great 'boosting performance through Health & Wellbeing' workshop; skilful and engaging as always. There were lots of valuable tools along with significant learning and thought / action provoking content. A great session that would will help persuade senior stakeholders of their leadership in this area and help them understand what they can usefully do."

Nick Stojic
“The Health and Wellbeing Baseline Assessment was a good way of collecting all our information on health and wellbeing in one place so that we could see the breadth of activity we already have - but so that we could see where there might be more that we could do. It was helpful to have clear prompts and timelines for completion. It was also good to have a clear structure through thematic sections for the framework rather than a blank canvas. The assessment highlighted that we need to do more to embed at all levels, we also had learning around the cost benefit analysis which is something we have not calculated before. The framework will now enable us to develop an updated health and wellbeing strategy and a clear set of priorities (complementing work we have underway around disability).”

Edna Gibson
Strategic Human Resources Business Partner,
Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
“Manchester City Health and Wellbeing Baseline Assessment, we aimed to create a report that would help the public sector organisations understand the impact they were having on their own employees, identify good practise across the city and to build a shared vision for the city on health wellbeing. We were fortunate to commission the PACE/Aspire team to work with us to deliver the baseline assessment. The team from the start shared the vision for the city and understood clearly what we needed to collectively achieve to have the impact it needed. The high standard of the report that went to the Health and Wellbeing Board enabled us to come back together with a clear mandate and that was powerful, it got health and wellbeing clearly on the agenda. I would like to endorse your supportive and informed approach. You have built health and wellbeing principles into the process, you took a gentle and informed approach, it felt like a very supporting and incentivising process. We now have a shared way forward and have developed a strong partnership through the approach taken."

Mags Bradbury
Associate Director of Inclusion and Community,
Central Manchester University Hospital Trust
Central Manchester University Hospital Trust
“Aspire and PACE were a great team of experienced Health and Wellbeing professionals, full of determination and passion. Their combined backgrounds, expertise and knowledge of the system meant that they were able to flex their approach, accommodate competing priorities and supported us as a Steering Group to keep a focus on the objectives of the project and remain on track. The process allowed us to review and share good practice across Manchester as a health and care system and for the first time collectively have a specific focus on mental health. The final report with recommendations was of a very high standard, which meant that it was a credible and powerful report that provided a sense of direction in a system that was undergoing a significant amount of change. The site reports also provide a rich source of data that can be used as organisations are coming together under new structures – learning from what we do well as well as understanding where we need to focus more effort. I would like to endorse your supportive approach. As a system, we have a wealth of experience, some good interventions and approaches. We still have work to do and this gives us an excellent baseline on which to build our collective response to support our people to be healthy, well and in work.”

Zara Pain
Deputy Director of Human Resources,
University Hospitals South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
University Hospitals South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
“Aspire and PACE were a great team of experienced Health and Wellbeing professionals, who made efforts to understand the nature of our charitable organisation and the work that we do. The benefit to us as a team was working with someone who could ask us relevant questions, help us to pull together the good work that we already do and provide a focus for the next 12 months. Working with PACE and Aspire has meant that we have an even clearer idea about our HWB priorities and are beginning to engage in a wider debate with other health and social care organisations. The team have taken a keen interest in our work and we will continue to work together in a holistic way over the next 12 months on a number of related developmental opportunities."

Siobhan Pollitt
CEO, Back on Track